According to the American Heritage Dictionary, volleyball is a sport played by two opposing teams separated by a high net. The game objective is to score points by grounding the ball on the other team's side of the net. The first volleyball game was played at Springfield College in Massachusetts in 1896 and is now second only to soccer as the world's most played sport.

Both women and men play volleyball at the high school and college level, but female teams dominate the sport. Even though there are several different types of volleyball games, they fall into two specific categories. They are played either indoors or outdoors with each having its own set of rules and regulations. The skills required have many similarities and are transferable; so many players participate in both. 

Indoor Volleyball

Indoor volleyball requires a high-level of unique skills. Although teamwork is stressed, indoor players must master individual skills such as serving, proper blocking and spiking. Each player must focus on a particular set role in addition to being a rover and learning to be successful in every aspect of the game. Much of the action is spontaneous because the ball can be anywhere at any time.

Newcomb Volleyball

Newcomb volleyball is a traditional indoor game that is ideal for children or those with limited athletic ability. The rules are the same, but the players catch the ball rather than hit it. They then pass the ball to teammates or attempt to throw it to the opposing side where it hits the ground before being caught by a player. 

Outdoor Volleyball

Outdoor volleyball is played much the same as the indoor game, only the playing surface is different. It can be played on sand or on an outdoor court similar to a tennis court. The elements including wind are a major factor in playing the game outdoors. Shoes may or not be worn when playing volleyball outdoors.

Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is an outdoor game that appeals to all-around players. It challenges them to master each skill since there are only two teammates on the court at a time. With only one teammate, each player must cover the entire court. The sandy playing surface is much easier on the body joints and allows players to play barefoot opposed to indoor hard surfaces requiring shoes.

Volleyball Club Teams

Volleyball club teams help young kids gain experience playing volleyball before they are eligible for high school teams. This gives them an advantage over inexperienced players. At the high school level, players find clubs to be valuable in helping them improve their skills. They face tougher competition by playing teams at the national level. This helps prepare them for the challenges of varsity games.
9/21/2013 05:22:21 am


9/21/2013 05:22:59 am


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3/13/2018 09:43:29 am

this is very helpful


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